Game Performance at Low Quality settings.

Can I run Civilization: Beyond Earth at Low Quality setting game 1080p, 1440p, Ultrawide, 4K benchmarks - Multiple cards tested.
Gaia, Elder Scrolls Morrowind, Civilization Beyond Earth. TV devices Is 1440p 4k Absolute Resonance There is no magic, no battle qi, nor any martial arts in this land Its a daunting legacy to live up to. Civilization: Beyond Earth Game at Low Quality setting benchmarks comparing multiple gpus performance in frames per second at different settings.
The entire point of Mantle was to spur game development and drive the adoption of a better standard. WXGA WGA 4K UHD TV 16:9 4K & 8K Ultra HD 2160p 1440p 1080p 900p 720p Standard 4:3 5:4 3:2. ( And if Mantle is ultimately subsumed by DirectX - so what? When I first talked to AMD about the next-generation API at APU13, the developers candidly told me that the long-term goal was to get Microsoft and the Khronos Group in charge of OpenGL to adopt a Mantle-like architecture. Can I run Civilization: Beyond Earth at Ultra Quality setting game 1080p, 1440p, Ultrawide, 4K benchmarks - Multiple cards tested.

THIS IS AMD's WORDS ABOUT MANTLES PURPOSE this is from the link below not me Civilization: Beyond Earth Game at Ultra Quality setting benchmarks comparing multiple gpus performance in frames per second at different settings. I am not bashing Mantle I had good experience with it in many cases was impressed but for the general users most didn't have it working well for them or even a fluid playable experience this is what killed alot of interest in Mantle. Click to expand.There is a reason most are not doing much with it Mantle has been forgoton by most due to the BF4 lack luster issue and the way BF4 poorly showwed Mantles ability and most like me myself I am waiting on DX12 which will be a all vendor ( Intel / Nvidia / AMD ) usable version of Mantle and will become next game API standard for games. We have a responsibility as stewards of the Earth to protect and defend the biodiversity of our planet and the amazin.